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ISA Certified Arborist

Maine State Certified Arborist

TCIA tree care specialist

EHAP certified

CDL Class B License *clean driving record


ISA offical logo certification
insured and licensed graphic


arborist suspended in air
Safety & Efficiency

Safety is our primary concern. We respect the body and its limitations. For this reason, we always wear appropriate helmet, eye and ear protection or other personal protective equipment (PPE). We work efficiently and safely, ensuring your sites are free from damage and injury. 

tree climber at the top of a tree
Positive Work Environment

Our crew prides itself on being communicative, approachable and informative. We are comfortable speaking with clients throughout the contract and directing a crew on-site as needed. 

complex tree rigging by the side of a house

We guarantee professionalism with every job.  That means being there 15 minutes early with the proper gear and our saws gassed up, sharpened, and ready to go.  



I began working with trees in the forest service in Idaho, clearing and maintaining trail systems throughout the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness. There, I learned my way around a chainsaw and the basics of safely felling trees and clearing trail. During winter months, I worked logging contracts in the Dakotas and furthered my on the ground education in the Tree Industry. This experience, combined with a love of rock climbing, ultimately inspired me to pursue a career as a certified climbing arborist.


I have worked on many different crews, from large corporations like Lucas and Bartlett to smaller tree services in the coastal communities of Maine.  My passion to learn and grow in this industry is what drives Bold Coast Climbers.  For me, living the dream is climbing trees, learning new skills, and meeting the folks that make the tree care industry great.


Ben Stein, Owner & Operator


email for more information.

Click for Resume

top of tree falling above houses



BCC employs a variety of advanced climbing and rigging equipment needed to get trees down in a residential area safely. 


All equipment is included in our estimates or day rates.


We will do our absolute best to work with your schedule to complete your project in a timely manner. Non emergency projects our booked about a month in advance.


Company contracts are booked for specific dates and once committed, we guarantee that work date. Cancellations should be paid 

unless we are given more than 72 hours notice. 


BCC carries its own general liability

insurance policy. We are licensed

ISA certified arborists and as Arborists in the state of Maine.


Beware of contractors who are not properly licensed and insured.


Rates vary depending on: the scope of the work, distance traveled, technical skills or equipment required, and hazardous conditions.


Please contact us for availability and to get a free estimate or day rate for your project.



Contract climbers take on challenging and sometimes risky work, but it is important that general safety guidelines are still maintained. 


We reserve the right to refuse service if the work site is too dangerous after assessment, or to make recommendations to crew members to comply with safety regulations if needed. Additional hazard rates apply.


The quality of our service and our relationships with our clients are important to us.  


If you have any complaints or feedback to offer about the service we provide, please use our contact form or email us to let us know how we can improve. 

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